Latin America and the Caribbean is a highly vulnerable region to the impacts of climate change. Rising temperatures, changes in precipitation patterns, and sea-level rise, among other threats, affect ecosystems, communities, and their livelihoods. Despite the urgent need for adaptation, there are barriers in terms of knowledge, capacity, regulations, and financing that hinder this process.
Climate Action supports multiple stakeholders in their adaptation efforts. Its goal is to reduce the vulnerability of ecosystems and people to climate risks through knowledge management, the implementation of Nature-Based Solutions initiatives, and the development of technical capacities.
To overcome existing barriers, Climate Action contributes to the resilience of the region through four main thematic areas:
Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Resilience
Innovative Financing for Adaptation and Private Sector Engagement
Impact on International Climate Negotiations Spaces
Local Action and Inclusive Participation for Resilience
Climate Capsules
The UAE Framework for Global Climate Resilience (UAE FGCR), approved at COP28, represents an important step toward achieving the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA).
According to the World Economic Forum, climate change adaptation is a market close to $2 trillion . For this reason, the private sector can find a great opportunity in adaptation, not only reducing costs, but increasing productivity and improving its competitiveness.
- Adaptation
Nature-based Solutions for Climate Resilient Cities
Perspectives and experiences from Latin America
Discover in this publication the different approaches of NbS for Latin American cities, as well as regional information, tools, and evidence to guide urban planning, strengthening long-term resilience planning and decision-making strategies.
- Adaptation
Decent Work in Nature-based Solutions
El primer informe de una serie bienal sobre trabajo decente, transición justa y soluciones basadas en la naturaleza.
- Adaptation
National Adaptation Planning: Emerging Lessons Learned from UNEP Projects
Policy Brief
This briefing note provides a snapshot summary of the early lessons learned from UNEP’s NAP project portfolio. Although the assessment focused on 6 of the 18 countries being supported, several key messages and design recommendations have emerged from this process.
- Adaptation
Adaptation Gap Report 2023
UNEP’s Adaptation Gap Report 2023
UNEP’s Adaptation Gap Report 2023: Underfinanced. Underprepared – Inadequate investment and planning on climate adaptation leaves world exposed finds that progress on climate adaptation is slowing when it should be accelerating to catch up with these rising climate change impacts.
- Adaptation
Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in high mountain areas of the Andean region – Regional synthesis
This document presents the most important contributions of a study produced for the Andean Mountain Initiative (AMI) with the purpose of contributing to regional, national, and local processes of climate change adaptation in high Andean communities and ecosystems.
- Adaptation
Nature-based Solutions for Climate Resilient Cities
Nature-based Solutions for Climate Resilient Cities
- Seven Lessons on Using Ecosystem Restoration for Climate Change Adaptation
- Ecosystem-based Adaptation Stakeholder Dialogue Report
- Shrinking glaciers upend lives across South America
- Alianzas estratégicas para el desarrollo sostenible en los Andes: La experiencia de la Iniciativa Andina de Montañas
- Global Adaptation Network
- UNEP & Climate Adaptation: What We Do
- Five ways communities are adapting to the climate crisis