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Apoyamos a diferentes actores para superar las barreras asociadas a la disponibilidad y acceso al financiamiento climático. Promovemos la alineación de las finanzas para el cumplimiento del Acuerdo de París y los esquemas de financiamiento innovadores para la acción climática Actualmente, ya estamos evidenciando los impactos del cambio climático, por eso, es clave implementar medidas de adaptación.
- Adaptación
10 Protocols for Nature-based Solutions implemented in urban and peri-urban areas
10 Protocols for Nature-based Solutions implemented in urban and peri-urban areas
- Adaptation
Nature-based Solutions for Climate Resilient Cities
Perspectives and experiences from Latin America
Discover in this publication the different approaches of NbS for Latin American cities, as well as regional information, tools, and evidence to guide urban planning, strengthening long-term resilience planning and decision-making strategies.
- Adaptation
Decent Work in Nature-based Solutions
El primer informe de una serie bienal sobre trabajo decente, transición justa y soluciones basadas en la naturaleza.
- Adaptation
National Adaptation Planning: Emerging Lessons Learned from UNEP Projects
Policy Brief
This briefing note provides a snapshot summary of the early lessons learned from UNEP’s NAP project portfolio. Although the assessment focused on 6 of the 18 countries being supported, several key messages and design recommendations have emerged from this process.
- Mitigation
Emissions Gap Report 2023
Broken record
The Emissions Gap Report 2023: Broken Record – Temperatures hit new highs, yet world fails to cut emissions (again) finds that the world is heading for a temperature rise far above the Paris Agreement goals unless countries deliver more than they have promised.
- Adaptation
Adaptation Gap Report 2023
UNEP’s Adaptation Gap Report 2023
UNEP’s Adaptation Gap Report 2023: Underfinanced. Underprepared – Inadequate investment and planning on climate adaptation leaves world exposed finds that progress on climate adaptation is slowing when it should be accelerating to catch up with these rising climate change impacts.