Challenges for Incorporating a Gender Approach in Environmental and Climate Action


Enlaces relacionados


Cecilia Alemany
UN Women Deputy Regional Director for the Americas and the Caribbean

Nidya Pesántez
UN Women Office Representative in Bolivia

Javier Rojas

Josefina Tamanyo
Climate risk management experience – Guatemala

Jessica Huertas
Project manager CBIT Peru

Angélica Ponce
Executive Director of the Plurinational Authority of Mother Earth of Bolivia

María José Lubertino
President of the Citizen Association for Human Rights. Argentina

Natalie Flores
Director of Climate Change of the Dominican Republic


Cecilia Rocatto
Program Policy Officer – Gender

María Jimena Jurado
Climate Change and Gender Specialist at the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)

Daniel Díaz Rivas
Office for Latin America and the Caribbean UNEP


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