Climate Action in the Private Sector and Non-State Actors in the Implementation of NDCs in LAC


Enlaces relacionados


Jérôme Malavelle
NDC Action Program Coordinator, Global Climate Action Unit UNEP

Fabiana Rodrigues
Director, Regional Collaboration Center (RCC) for Latin America, UNFCCC

Laura Mora Mora
National Coordinator of the NDC Action Costa Rica project at the Latin American and Caribbean Office of UNEP.

Andrea Bibiana Quiñones
Coordinator Colombian Carbon Neutral Strategy, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Colombia

Michelle Libby
Environmental Director, Business Alliance for Development (AED) Costa Rica

Luis Opazo
General Manager of the Association of Banks and Financial Institutions (ABIF) of Chile. The message is a brief introduction to his position.

Margarita Gutierrez
Member of the Latin America Climate Asset Disclosure Initiative (LACADI) at Transform.

Edgar Hernán Cruz
Consultant in the private sector and climate financing for the NDC-5 project, UNEP.


Benjamin Schäfer
Regional Coordinator for the NDC Action project in Latin America and the Caribbean, Basel Agency for Sustainable Energy.

Sandra Bravo
Expert in Transparency and NDCs, UNEP Office for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Daniel Díaz Rivas
Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, UNEP.


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