Category: Webinars – EN

  • Human Mobility and the Climate Crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean

    Human Mobility and the Climate Crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean


    Enlaces relacionados


    James Haselip
    Senior Advisor at the UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre

    Guadalupe Cobos
    El Bosque Community in Mexico.

    Pablo Escribano
    International Organization for Migration in Migration, Environment and Climate Change.

    María Bances
    Maria Bances is the Senior Coordinator of Protection at UNHCR, the Regional Office for the Americas

    Adriana Moreno
    World Food Program


    Marta Moneo
    Regional Program Officer for Climate Change Adaptation at UNEP

    Daniel Diaz Rivas
    Office for Latin America and the Caribbean UNEP

  • Climate Action in the Private Sector and Non-State Actors in the Implementation of NDCs in LAC

    Climate Action in the Private Sector and Non-State Actors in the Implementation of NDCs in LAC


    Enlaces relacionados


    Jérôme Malavelle
    NDC Action Program Coordinator, Global Climate Action Unit UNEP

    Fabiana Rodrigues
    Director, Regional Collaboration Center (RCC) for Latin America, UNFCCC

    Laura Mora Mora
    National Coordinator of the NDC Action Costa Rica project at the Latin American and Caribbean Office of UNEP.

    Andrea Bibiana Quiñones
    Coordinator Colombian Carbon Neutral Strategy, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Colombia

    Michelle Libby
    Environmental Director, Business Alliance for Development (AED) Costa Rica

    Luis Opazo
    General Manager of the Association of Banks and Financial Institutions (ABIF) of Chile. The message is a brief introduction to his position.

    Margarita Gutierrez
    Member of the Latin America Climate Asset Disclosure Initiative (LACADI) at Transform.

    Edgar Hernán Cruz
    Consultant in the private sector and climate financing for the NDC-5 project, UNEP.


    Benjamin Schäfer
    Regional Coordinator for the NDC Action project in Latin America and the Caribbean, Basel Agency for Sustainable Energy.

    Sandra Bravo
    Expert in Transparency and NDCs, UNEP Office for Latin America and the Caribbean.

    Daniel Díaz Rivas
    Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, UNEP.

  • Challenges for Incorporating a Gender Approach in Environmental and Climate Action

    Challenges for Incorporating a Gender Approach in Environmental and Climate Action


    Enlaces relacionados


    Cecilia Alemany
    UN Women Deputy Regional Director for the Americas and the Caribbean

    Nidya Pesántez
    UN Women Office Representative in Bolivia

    Javier Rojas
    FORECCSA Project

    Josefina Tamanyo
    Climate risk management experience – Guatemala

    Jessica Huertas
    Project manager CBIT Peru

    Angélica Ponce
    Executive Director of the Plurinational Authority of Mother Earth of Bolivia

    María José Lubertino
    President of the Citizen Association for Human Rights. Argentina

    Natalie Flores
    Director of Climate Change of the Dominican Republic


    Cecilia Rocatto
    Program Policy Officer – Gender

    María Jimena Jurado
    Climate Change and Gender Specialist at the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)

    Daniel Díaz Rivas
    Office for Latin America and the Caribbean UNEP

  • Common Framework of Sustainable Finance Taxonomies for Latin America and the Caribbean

    Common Framework of Sustainable Finance Taxonomies for Latin America and the Caribbean

    Common Framework of Sustainable Finance Taxonomies

    For latin america and the caribbean

    Related links

    Related links


    Juen Bello
    Regional Director and Representative, Latin America and the Caribbean Office, UNEP

    Michelle Muschett
    Director Regional Bureau for LAC, UNDP

    Laura Aguirre
    General Director, Public Credit and International Affairs Unit, Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, Mexico

    Carola Moreno
    Finance and International Affairs Coordinator of the Ministry of Finance, Chile (TBC)

    Karina Isabel Velásquez Lemus
    Executive Secretary, Central American Council of Superintendents of Banks, Insurance and Other Financial Entities (CCSBSO)

    Head of Unit, Sustainable Finance Policy Unit, DG INTPA, European Commission

    Charlotte Gardes-Landolfini
    Climate Change, Energy and Financial Stability Expert, IMF

    Mercedes G. Fariña
    LAC Policy Lead, UNEP FI

    Vishwas Vidyaranya
    Lead Author and Senior Taxonomy Consultant

    Mauricio Velez
    Head of Sustainability, Asobancaria, Colombia

    Emilio Martin-More
    Director de Sustainability Standards, BBVA

    Mabyr Valderrama
    Directora de Sostenibilidad, Federación de Aseguradores Colombianos (Fasecolda)

    Amaury M. Oliva
    Director de Sostenibilidad, FEBRABAN

    Liliana Pozzo
    Vice President for Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, IFC

    Anderson Silva Caputo
    Jefe de la División de Conectividad, Mercados y Finanzas, BID

    Santiago Lorenzo
    Director o.i.c., Policies for Sustainable Development Unit, Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Division, ECLAC


    Fiona Stewart
    Lead Financial Sector Specialist, Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation, World Bank

    Jorge Concha
    Gerente de Financiamiento Verde, Gerencia de Acción Climática y Biodiversidad Positiva, CAF

    Daniel Díaz Rivas
    Office for Latin America and the Caribbean UNEP


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  • Implementation of Carbon Markets and Article 6: Benefits, risks, challenges, and lessons learned in LAC

    Implementation of Carbon Markets and Article 6: Benefits, risks, challenges, and lessons learned in LAC

    Related links


    Piedad Martín
    Office for Latin America and the Caribbean UNEP

    Fabiana Rodrigues
    Regional Collaboration Center for Latin America

    Sebastián Carranza
    Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Colombia

    Ana Him
    Investigation Analyst at CCAP

    Martin Perez
    Director of Forest Climate Solutions Impact and Monitoring, WWF

    Susana Vélez Haller
    VERRA Senior Manager

    Daniella Suger
    Expert in Carbon Markets of the NDC-5 project, UNEP

    Rocio Garcia
    UN-REDD Finance Specialist for LAC

    Ana Dominguez
    Carbon Markets Specialist at the Regional Collaboration Center for Latin America, UNFCCC


    Emilia Anselmo
    Transparency and Climate Ambition at the UNEP Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

    William Holness
    Transparency and Climate Ambition at the UNEP Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

    Daniel Díaz Rivas
    Office for Latin America and the Caribbean UNEP

  • Ambition and Reality on the Global Adaptation Goal: The Perspectives of Latin America and the Caribbean

    Ambition and Reality on the Global Adaptation Goal: The Perspectives of Latin America and the Caribbean

    Related links


    Piedad Martín
    Office for Latin America and the Caribbean UNEP

    Andrea Camponogara
    UNFCCC Regional Collaboration Center

    Fabiana Rodrigues
    Regional Collaboration Center for Latin America

    Angela Rivera
    Office of International Affairs and Climate Change, MADS Colombia.
    AILAC negotiator

    Luz Falivene
    National Direction of Climate Change, MAyDS of Argentina.
    Negotiator at ABU

    Elena Pereira
    Climate Change Adaptation Finance, NAP Honduras.

    Ignacio Lorenzo
    Municipality of Montevideo, Uruguay.

    Karem Rivero
    Nature4Cities project in the Dominican Republic.

    Edgar Fernandez
    Transforma, Colombia

    Santiago Núñez
    Involvement of the private sector in NAP Colombia


    Marta Moneo
    Adaptation at the UNEP Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

    Pilar Bueno
    Argentinian 1.5
    Researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET)

    Daniel Díaz Rivas
    Office for Latin America and the Caribbean UNEP

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